Bremen Pass

Guaranteed quality

Free tutoring with the Bremen Pass

How can you apply for free tutoring for your child with alerno?

Registration for pupils with a Bremen Pass (in Bremen)

Attention: For Bremerhaven and Lower Saxony please click here!


Step 1

Get the “Förderantrag für Inhaber des Bremen-Passes”.
You can download the application here, pick it up at any alerno location or we will simply send you one free of charge.


Step 2

Give your child the application form to the school.
The letter must be filled out by the teacher or in the secretary’s office.
Important: School stamp and signature


Step 3

With this funding application, you will come to an alerno location and get immediate appointments for free tutoring with us.

Your child is registered for free tutoring!



Your child will be individually supported by us and better school grades are no longer in the way!

All children in your household can get education and participation benefits if you or your child receive one of the following government benefits:
  • Child supplement,
  • Unemployment benefit II (also called “Hartz IV”),
  • Social cash benefit,
  • Welfare,
  • Housing allowance or
  • Asylum seeker benefits.

The individual benefits for education and participation have different further requirements. Most benefits are available for children, teens and young adults up to their 25th birthday.

Free tutoring via the Bremen Pass is provided at our locations or directly at our partner schools.

Contact us if you want to know if tutoring is offered through the Bremen Pass in your school.

Tutoring for your child is free of charge within the framework of the Bremen Pass.

Do you still have questions or are you unsure whether free tutoring via the Bremen Pass is an option for you?
Then call us gladly, at any time, free of charge

0800 14 14 14 6 

or contact us directly via our contact form.

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